
How to get from Marrakech to Chefchaouen?

how to get from marrakech to chefchaouen

how to get from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen? View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

How can I get from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen?

there are 7 routes to get to Chefchaouen from Marrakech by airport shuttle bus, bus, car, plane, train and Private transportation. View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

How to travel cheap from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen?

The cheapest way to get from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen is to take a train, tickets to which cost on average 39 USD and travel time is 10 hours.

Direct routes for travel from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen

There are no direct routes between Marrakesh and Chefchaouen. However, a trip with 3 connections will take 10 hours by train, and a journey with 2 transfers will take 12 hours by bus.

Marrakesh to Chefchaouen by bus

How to get from marrakeshto chefchaouen

Bus travel to Chefchaouen from Marrakesh, is one of the easiest and most popular way to travel, often the cheapest, and usually comfortable. The distance between two cities is 359 miles. A 12-hour trip separates these places. The average ticket will cost around 40 USD. Also, bus tickets are available from 34 USD. During your bus trip you will have 10 stopovers. Bus routes to Chefchaouen are offered by CTM and Suprator.

take train from Marrakesh to Casablanca, then take bus from Casablanca to Chefchaoue, or take high speed train to Tangier. then take bus from Tangier to Chefchaouen. but if you want to use only bus, so take bus from marrakech to Casablanca and take bus to chefchaouen. View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

Trains from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen

take train from Marrakessh to Casablanca, then take high speed train to tangier, from tangier take bus to Chefchaouen.

Do not waste the chance to travel to Chefchaouen by train from Marrakech to Tangier. The railroad connecting two cities is about 449 miles. You will be in the city in about 10 hours. 39 USD is an average train ticket price for the selected route. Also, you can save on your trip traveling by train for 27 USD. So, don’t hesitate to purchase the tickets in advance. The train runs to Chefchaouen making 12 stopovers on its way.

Flight from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen

To get to Chefchaouen you can take a flight from Marrakech. 239-mile distance separates two destinations. The distance between cities can be covered in 1 hour of flight. You may buy tickets for your destination for about 180 USD. The ticket prices start from 170 USD. Your flight number on this route is 702.

Fly to Tetouan then take Taxi to Chefchaouen

Fly to Tetouan then take Taxi to Chefchaouen.

View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

Driving directions from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen

Cars traveling from Marrakesh to Chefchaouen, cover a distance of around 358 miles. The average travel time is around 7 hours. If you would like to get there on your own, fuel will cost you 90 USD.

Questions & Answers

Which way is quickest from Marrakech (Station) to blue city?

The quickest way to get from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen is to fly and taxi which costs MAD 950 – MAD 3,100 and takes 6h 29m.

Is there a direct bus between Marrakech (Station) and Chaouen?

No, there is no direct bus from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen. However, there are services departing from Marrakech and arriving at Chefchaouen via Casablanca. The journey, including transfers, takes approximately 10h 45m.

How far is it from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen?

The distance between Marrakech (Station) and Chefchaouen is 470 km. The road distance is 575 km.

How do I travel from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen without a car?

The best way to get from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen without a car is to train and bus via Tangier which takes 9h 6m and costs MAD 210 – MAD 410.

How long does it take to get from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen?

It takes approximately 9h 6m to get from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen, including transfers.

View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

Where do I catch the Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen bus from?

Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen bus services, operated by CTM, depart from Marrakech station.

How long is the flight from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen?

There is no direct flight from Marrakech Airport to Tetouan Airport. The quickest flight takes 3h 55m and has one stopover.

Can I drive from Marrakesh (Station) to Chefchaouen?

Yes, the driving distance between Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen is 575 km. It takes approximately 6h 53m to drive from Marrakech (Station) to Chefchaouen.

View the best itinerary to Chefchaouen through Marrakech, Fes and sahara desert. click here.

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